Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Entertainment - Where are We Going?

Have you guys ever wondered how far we have been left behind when it comes to new age TVs and speaker systems? I subscribe to a magazine called "Electronic House" and the Jan 2006 issue has left me spellbound. I could never imagine the kind of plasma TVs and audio systems and what nots to get a permanent place not only in our homes but in our hearts too. They are beautiful. Look sleek and sophisticated. You cannot judge the animal that's inside them by just looking at them , waiting to break free and provide a punch so powerful that would make all the cinema halls in this world feel ashamed of themselves and eventually kick them out of business( I got a little carried away, didn't I?).
I had an oppurtunity to experience a Sony 50" plasma TV at my uncle's house. I watched two movies on that.Trust me, they leave the cinema halls way too far behind. Entertainment for just you and your family - nobody else. Pause it, Stop it, rewind it. If getting way too bored, forward it. You control the movie, the movie doesn't control you anymore. If you miss a dialog - no problem. If you don't understand the language - no problem again. Every action of the TV makes sure that you get exactly what you want - Good audio/video and full control.
Well, what the heck. I have a "Home Theater System" too in my house. Care to take a look at it? Here you go:

By the way, I wish you all a Very Very Happy New Year!

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