Sunday, January 14, 2007


Bon, I agree with what you have to say about beer - that while drinking beer you reach a saturation point, and once you are there, you keep on pissing, you don't even get high, you just piss. Last night at Geoff's was good fun, and I had to drink beer to give him company ( I don't hate beer, but I don't like it either). After having some (8?), I started pissing, and I kept on pissing. Boy, was I mad. It's so irritating - you are standing and talking and suddenly you just pull the zipper down, yank out your ding dong mcdork and start pissing (you are standing outside Geoff's apartment, right? So you can piss wherever you want). Once or twice is alright, but every 15 minutes? Oh God, kill me now.

Whenever I see Geoff play the guitar, I kind of remind myself that even I have to buy an electric guitar soon. But I don't know how soon is soon going to be. I am tired of paying big bucks to my credit card company every month.

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