I will not spend any money on anything fancy and useless this month. Last weekend I think I spent more than I was expecting to spend on my Chicago trip (which was Uber fun!). I have also bought a nice little surprise for some people I know - but that's it. No more toys and video games this month. If I go to Minneapolis next weekend, I will spend on alcohol because I have asked my cousin to get drunk with me.
That's it.
PS: I can't believe I spent close to $100 last month on toys. I usually buy small toys from Wal-mart but last month I went to Toys-R-Us, and the rest, as they say, is history.
But I like the toys I bought - Die cast war helicopters and tanks, and Eric Cartman and Butters bobbleheads ;-).
I'm also aspiring to get the citizenship of South Park ;) I just love that show!
Ha ha..I think Cartman is the best thing that ever happened to mankind :D..
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